
Micaela Red & White Three Dozen


Three Dozen red and white luxury roses, with red berries, arranged tight and short to make a modern display conversation piece complimenting any Valentine’s Day recipient. This is available in solid red or a combination of red and white. Please indicate red in the box provided at check out if wanting solid red. Vases may vary based on availability.  The Wooden vase shown is out of stock and will be replaced with a horizontal vase depending on availability.

Out of stock

Three Dozen red and white luxury roses, with red berries, arranged tight and short to make a modern display conversation piece complimenting any Valentine’s Day recipient. This is available in solid red or a combination of red and white. Please indicate red in the box provided at check out if wanting solid red. Vases may vary based on availability.  The Wooden vase shown is out of stock and will be replaced with a horizontal vase depending on availability.


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